Electric & Natural Gas: 866-849-1902
Energy Efficiency: 866-849-1904

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Customer #1

CEO, Invision Inc.
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Customer #2

Lead Developer, Automattic Inc
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Customer #3

Store Manager, Walmart Inc

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REVERSE ENERGY AUCTIONSPutting the Focus on YouTo get the best pricing, suppliers need to be focused on you and your …

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Single location utility bill information

  • Attach your most recent Utility Bills requiring Price Comparison Shopping.

    **If you purchase your Electricity or Natural Gas from a Third-Party Provider/Supplier/Broker; please include of Copy from that Entity along with your regular Utility.**

  • **Copy of the front and back of utility bills are required**

Are You A…

Single Location Business

or a

Multiple Location Business

  • Business Contact Information

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: xslx, csv, pdf.
    • What Lending & Project Benefits Are You Looking For?

    • What Services Do You Require? *

    • Business Contact Information

    • What Below Services Do You Require?*

    • What Utility Are You Price Comparison Shopping? *

    • * Upload Your Utility Bills

      * If you purchase your Electric/Natural Gas from a Third-Party Provider/Supplier/Broker; please include a copy of that entity, along with your regular Utility Bills.
      ** Copy of the Front and Back of the Utility Bills are required.
    • Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: pdf, csv, xlsx.
      • Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: pdf, csv, xlsx.
        • Drop files here or
          Accepted file types: pdf, csv, xlsx.
          • Drop files here or
            Accepted file types: pdf, csv, xlsx.
            • * Upload Your Utility Bills

              Please upload your complete Facilities/Locations list reflecting the uploaded Utility Bills.
            • Drop files here or
              Accepted file types: pdf, csv, xlsx, pptx, docx.
                Accepted file types: .pdf, .csv, .pptx, .xlsx
              • Contact Information

              • What Services Do You Require? *

              • Electric Utility - Bill Information

              • Natural Gas - Utility Bill Information

              • * Upload Your Utility Bills

                Please Upload Last Month's Complete Utility Bill.
                * If you purchase your Electric/Natural Gas from a Third-Party Provider/Supplier/Broker; please include a copy of that entity, along with your regular Utility Bills.
                ** Copy of the Front and Back of the Utility Bills are required.
              • Drop files here or
                Accepted file types: xslx, csv, pdf.
                • Drop files here or
                  Accepted file types: xslx, csv, pdf.
                  • Drop files here or
                    Accepted file types: xslx, csv, pdf.
                    • Drop files here or
                      Accepted file types: xslx, csv, pdf.
                      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.