Water and sewer expenses have increasingly become a significant operating expense for many facilities, and every indication is that it will only get more expensive in the years ahead. This makes water efficiency and conservation solutions critical elements in keeping operating costs under control. But it’s not just about low flow faucets and shutting off the sprinklers. To truly optimize your water and sewer spend, you need to ensure only water is flowing through your meter, that you’re actually using the water you’re paying for, and that your water isn’t accelerating the decline of your cooling towers. offers solutions that allow your facility to address these issues without draining your budget.
Smart Water System
Did you know that your water and sewer meters are charging you for air? That’s right, as water flows through the meter, air flows with it, and your meter can’t tell the difference, so you get charged. This could be accounting for as much as a quarter of your water and sewer costs. The solution to curbing these unwanted charges is through the use of smart water valves and can help your facility implement these handy devices. Smart water valves work by removing as much air as possible from water before it runs through your meter without reducing water pressure, making it a solution for even residential buildings. Depending on water usage and pressure readings, most smart water value users will see water and sewer costs reduced between 10% and 25%. offers smart water valves with no investment so that you can experience savings from day one without impacting your capital budget.
Consumption Monitoring
One of the best ways to control water costs is to avoid paying for water you don’t use, especially when that water comes as the result of a leaking irrigation system or a stuck cooling tower valve. And the key to staying on top of your water costs and minimizing these costly breakdowns is through monitoring and can help your facility do just this. We provide real-time water monitoring systems that learn about your facilities water consumption patterns. When the system detects an abnormality in your water usage, you get notified immediately via your smartphone about where the leak is occurring and how big it is, so that you can fix the problem in hours rather than days. That’s more money in your pocket and peace of mind in the face of catastrophe.
Cooling Tower Optimization
Cooling towers account for approximately 30% of a facility’s total water usage. Keeping them running efficiently is paramount to keeping your water costs in check; to keep your cooling towers efficient, minimizing scaling and corrosion is a must. provides anti-scaling and corrosion systems on a no investment basis that can be added to any cooling tower system. These systems work by pre-emptively removing solids that cause corrosion and scale build-up to keep them from entering your cooling tower. This results in not only reduced water use, but also reductions in energy and chemical use as well.